Conceptual research about the workplace in the digital era

The contemporary flaneur’s city

Baudelaire in Le peintre de la vie moderne, introduces the figure of the flâneur. Around him, there are only inspiring things and with immense pleasure, he absorbs every shape and color. The main aspect of his discovery in research is linked to pleasure, perdition, and loss of control. He is a metaphorical character who impersonates the contemporary creative worker: while he lives, he is assimilating everything he experiences. The fascination he acquires from the city’s entirety is the starting point for his design process and the city itself is his workplace.

Flâneurville is a non-stop city, a metropolis where the flâneur can walk, get lost and explore all kind of entertainment represented by eight regular shapes: a circus, a library, a club, a brothel, a restaurant, a religious building, a cinema, and a theatre. The utopian city is a pulsating panorama where the flâneur is bombed by copious inputs and is translating absorbed inspirations into ingenious and inventive artworks by using his mastery.

Nowadays, there is not a physical and determined space that we can call workplace; due to the digital era we are living in, we are allowed to work wherever and whenever we want. Moreover, especially for creative jobs, the boundary that divides our work and pleasure time collapses: everything we see, live and experiment in our surroundings are inspiring and influencing our minds.